Issue No. 31108 - April 2020
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
24 Apr 2020 (corresponding to 1 Ramadan 1441 H)
New Turkey Presidential Decisions
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2474/2020
On Awarding the “War of Independence Medal” to Martyrs and Veterans' Inheritors whose Service During the War of Independence were Confirmed.
Private law
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2475/2020
On the Declaration of the Area Located in the Ankara Province, Kalecik District, Ahikemal Şenyurt, Ahiler Yenice, Çanşa Kale, Cuma Saray, Halilağa Tabakhane, and Yenidoğan Yeşilyurt Neighbourhoods as Risky Areas.
Private law
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2476/2020
On the Registration and Announcement of the Protection Status of Designated Natural Protected Areas of the Ortaca-Dalaman Sığla Forests Located in the Muğla Province, Dalaman District after Revaluation as a Sensitive Area to be Precisly Protected.
Private law