Issue No. 31079 - March 2020

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decrees

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 2281/2020

On the Application of Tariff Quotas in the Import of Some Industrial Products.

Public Law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 2282/2020

Regarding Support to Meet the Cost Increases Occurring in Underground Mining Enterprises.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 2283/2020

Decree Regarding the Implementation of the Attached Decree Regarding Postponement Credit Debts Within the Scope of the Decrees for Providing Low Interest Loans to Tradesmen and Craftsmen Damaged by the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Public Law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 2284/2020

Additional Decree of the Decision on the Import Regime.

Public Law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 2285/2020

Regarding the Amendment of the Additional Decision on the Import Regime Decree.

Public Law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 2286/2020

Regarding the Amendment of the Additional Decision to the Import Regime Decree.

Public Law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 105/2020

Regarding the Cancellation and Recruitment of Positions and the Positions of Some Public Economic Enterprises.

Private law