Issue No. 31026 - February 2020

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Laws

Turkey Law No. 7218/2020

On amending the Law on Public Cemeteries.

Public law

Turkey Law No. 7219/2020

On confirming the Approval of the Agreement on the Development of Trade Between the Republic of Turkey and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Authorizing Direct Approval by the President of the Republic of the Amendments to the Annexes of the Agreement.

Public law

Turkey Law No. 7220/2020

On confirming the Approval of the Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Highway and International Transport of Passengers and Goods Law.

Public law

New Turkey Decisions

Turkey Decision No. 51/2020

On Appointments by the Presidency.

Private law