Issue No. 30996 - January 2020

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey International Agreements

Turkey International Agreement No. 1966/2020

On the Approval of the Financing Agreement in the amount of EUR 95,345,384 Between the Turkish Ministry of Education representing the Republic of Turkey and the German Development Bank (KfW) regarding the Education for Everyone in Time of Crisis Project III and Approval of the Separate Financing Agreement.

Public law

Turkey International Agreement No. 1967/2020

On the Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan Concerning Simplified Customs Lines of Duty.

Public law

Turkey International Agreement No. 1968/2020

On the Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Regarding the Establishment of the OECD İstanbul Centre.

Public law

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 1969/2020

On the Determination of Official Announcement Prices.

Public law