Issue No. 30733 - April 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Agreement

Turkey Agreement

On the Global Environment Facility between the Republic of Turkey and the International Bank for Reconstruction of Development, which is the implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility (the Turkey Watering Moderation Project).

Private law

New Turkey Regulations

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation on the Procedures Regarding Import and Export of Measure and Measure Devices.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Accounting Practice of the Banks and Storing Documentation.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation on Personal Data Protection Expertise.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation on the Application and Research Center for Distance Learning at İstanbul Kemerburgaz University.

Private law

New Turkey Announcement

Turkey Announcement

Daily Values of Exchange Rates and Governmental Internal Debt Securities set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.

Private law