Issue No. 30678 - February 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Decrees

Turkey Decree No. 31/2019

Amending the Decree on General Cadres and Procedures.

Private law

New Turkey Decisions

Turkey Decision No. 709/2019

Regarding the Organization Structure of the Boğaziçi Zoning Higher Coordination Board.

Private law

Turkey Decision No. 50/2019

Regarding Inclusion of the Title of Bailiffs to Article 36, Section 1, Sub-section (I) titled the General Administrative Services of Civil Servants Law No.657.

Private law

Turkey Decision No. 41/2019

Of the General Assembly of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors.

Private law

New Turkey Regulation

Turkey Regulation

Regarding Foundation and License Degree Examinations at Anadolu Üniversitesi.

Private law

New Turkey Board Decisions

Turkey Board Decision No. 8409/2019