Issue No. 30673 - February 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision

Regarding the Urgent Expropriation of Some Immovable Properties by the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company General Directorate within the scope of the 154 kV Gürsöğüt 1 HES TM-Kargı HES TM Energy Transmission Line Project.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision

Amending the Articles of Association of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Inc. (Decision No: 684).

Private law

New Turkey Decision

Turkey Decision

Regarding the Appointment of Ambassador Mehmet Ferden ÇARIKÇI as Principal Consultant to the President (Decision No: 2019/39).

Private law

New Turkey Regulations

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation Regarding the Election, Appointment, Promotion, and Duties of Instructors for the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation Regarding the Financial Leasing and Accounting Practices of Factoring and Financing Companies and Financial Statements.

Private law

New Turkey Communique

Turkey Communique

Amending the Communique Regarding the Social Security Institution Health Practice.

Private law

Turkey Communique

Amending the Communique Regarding the Disclosure of Financial Statements by Banks and Commentary and Footnotes Concerning These.

Private law