Issue No. 30672 - January 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Regulation

Turkey Regulation

Regarding the Sufism Studies Research and Application Center at İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.

Private law

New Turkey Communiques

Turkey Communique No. 6356/2019

Regarding the 2019 January Statistics Concerning the Number of Workers in Business Lines and the Number of Members in Trade Unions as per the Law on Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Private law

Turkey Communique

Amending the Communiqué (No. YFK-2007/1) Regarding General Technical Specifications of Electric Wiring, Building Operation, Construction, and Machinery.

Private law

New Turkey Regulation

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision

On Application No. 2015/10393 and dated 09/01/2019.

Private law

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision

On Application No. 2015/19795 and dated 09/01/2019.

Private law

New Turkey Court of Appeal Decision

Turkey Court of Appeal Decision

Dated 30/01/2019 and No. 1.

Private law

New Turkey Announcement

Turkey Announcement

T.C. Exchange Rates and the Daily Values of Government Domestic Debt Securities Determined by the Central Bank.

Private law