Issue No. 30671 - January 2019
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
30 Jan 2019 (corresponding to 24 Jumada Al-Awwal 1440 H)
New Turkey Laws
Turkey Law No. 7160/2019
Regarding the President Conferring the Power of Direct Approval of Amendments to the Protocols and Appendices to the Agreement and Regarding the Approval of Recognition of: “Protocol I” Dated 30 January 2018 Replacing Protocol I of “the Free Trade Agreement Between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Serbia,” Joint Committee Decision Dated 17 January 2017 and No 1/2017 Amending Protocol II Regarding the Agreement's Definition of the “Origin Product” Concept and the Administrative Cooperation Procedures, “Protocol III” Dated 30 January 2018 on the Appendant to the Agreement on Trade in Services.
Private law
Turkey Law No. 7162/2019
Amending the Income Tax Law and Certain Laws.
Private law
Turkey Law No. 7163/2019
Amending the Law Regarding the Evaluation, Categorization, and Supporting of Motion Picture Films.
Private law