Issue No. 30666 - January 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 668/2019

On the duration regarding the Needs of Gendarmerie General Command's soldiers and non-coms with military officers, to be Fulfilled by the Ministry of Defense under 1111 numbered Military Law Clauses to be extended until the date 31/12/2024.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 669/2019

On Establishing new Faculties and Closing Some Colleges and Changing the Name of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture which is under the Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Rectorate as Faculty of Engineering.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 670/2019

On the Urgent Expropriation of Some Immovable Properties Located within the Boundaries of the Bursa Province, Büyükorhan and Orhanali district by General Directorate of Petrol Taşıma A.Ş., for the purpose of Realization of the Büyükorhan Natural Gas Connection Line Project.

Private law