Issue No. 30659 - January 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Law

Turkey Law 7161

Amending the Tax Laws and Certain Laws and Decree Laws.

Private law

New Turkey Presidential Decree

Turkey Presidential Decree

Amending the Presidential Decree on Presidential Organization (Decree number: 28).

Private law

New Turkey Assignment Decision

Decisions on the appointments made by the Presidency

Decision 2019/20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35).

Private law

New Turkey Regulations

Turkey Regulation

On the Nuclear Power Plants Project and Acceptance.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

Regarding the Regulation Regarding the Principles and Rules to be Implemented in Retail Trade.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Main Regulation at Izmir University of Economics.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation Regarding the Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination at Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University.

Private law

New Turkey Communiques

Turkey Communique

On the Board of Basin Management, Basin Management Committees and Provincial Water Management Coordination Boards, Duties, Working Procedures, and Principles.

Private law

New Turkey Constitutional Court Decisions

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision

On Application No. 2015/3309dated 25/12/2018.

Private law