Issue No. 30947 - November 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision

In relation to the Directorate of the Privatization Administration (Decision Number: 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806).

Private Law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 1807/2019

On amending the Principles of Employment of Contracted Personnel.

Private Law

New Turkey Regulations

Turkey Regulation

On amending the Regulation on the Promotions and Changes of Title of the Personnel at the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning.

Private Law

Turkey Regulation

On amending the Regulation on the Implementation of Electronic Tendering.

Private Law

Turkey Regulation

On the Education and Examinations for Associate and Bachelor's Degrees at Antalya AKEV University.

Private Law

New Turkey Constitutional Court Decisions

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision No. 64/2019

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision Dated 24/7/2019, Numbered 16/2017 and Decision Numbered 64/2019.

Public Law