Issue No. 30909 - October 2019

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Decisions:

Turkey Decision No. 1623/2019

Amending the Decision of the Council of Ministers dated 13/04/1999 and Numbered 99/12770 on the Quality, City, and Country of the Establishment, Duties, and Countries that are Accredited and Affiliated with the Missions of the Units of Overseas Organizations of Public Institutions.

Private law

Turkey Decision No. 1624/2019

On the Registration and Announcement of the Natural Protected Area of the Şarlak Waterfall in the Sumbaş District, Osmaniye as a Sensitive Area to be Protected.

Private law

Turkey Decision No. 1625/2019

On the Registration and Announcement of the Natural Protected Area of Obruk Lake in the Karatay District, Konya as a Sensitive Area to be Protected.

Private law

Turkey Decision No. 1626/2019