Issue No. 30880 - September 2019
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
6 Sep 2019 (corresponding to 7 Muharram 1440 H)
New Turkey Presidential Decree
Turkey Presidential Decree No. 44/2019
Amending the Presidential Decree on the National Palaces Administration.
Private law
New Turkey Regulations
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on the Directorate General of National Lottery Administration's Ticket Sales, Draws, and Premiums.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on the Directorate General of National Lottery Administration's Win-Away (Hemen-Kazan) Game.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on the Directorate General of National Lottery Administration's Numerical Games.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
On Associate Degree and Bachelor's Degree Education and Examination at Dicle University.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on Postgraduate Education at Osmaniye Korkut Ata University.
Private law
New Turkey Board Decision
Turkey Public Oversight, Accounting and Audit Standards Commission's Decision
Turkey Public Oversight, Accounting and Audit Standards Commission's Decisions dated 05/09/2019 and numbered 75935942-050.01.04 - [01/171], [01/172], [01/173], [01/174], [01/175], [01/176], [01/177], [01/179], [01/181], [01/182], [01/183] and [01/184].
Private law