Issue No. 30555 - October 2018

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 193/2018

Regarding Ambassador Appointments.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 194/2018

Regarding the Appointment of İzzet ALAGÖZ to the Electricity Production Co. General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision

Regarding the Appointment of Ekrem YÜCE to the General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tea Enterprises.

Private law

New Turkey Regulation

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation Regarding Post-Graduate Studies at Sinop University.

Private law

New Turkey Announcements

Turkey Announcement

On Judicial Announcements.

Private law

Turkey Announcement

On Increasing, Decreasing and Tender Announcements.

Private law

Turkey Announcement

On Miscellaneous Announcements.

Private law

Turkey Announcement

On Daily Values of Governmental Internal Debt Securities set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Announcements.

Private law