Issue No. 30510 - August 2018

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decision

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 21/2018

Amending the Decision Regarding Imposing Additional Financial Obligations on the Importation of Certain Goods with United States of America Origin.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 22

Amending the Decision Regarding the Determination of Value Added Tax Rates on Goods and Services.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision

Regarding Imposing Tariff Quotas on the Importation of Certain Agricultural Products

Public law

Turkey Presidential Decision

Amending Turkey Council of Ministers Decision No. 2002/3654 dated 28/01/2002 Regarding the Determination of Persons Who Are Exempt From the Provisions of Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Law numbered 4736 and dated 8/01/2002.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision

Regarding Arranging Time for Additional Settlements of 2018 for Workers of Institutions Included within the Scope of Turkey Law No. 6772/1956 and dated 04/07/1956.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision