Issue No. 7 - February 2024

Government of Lebanon Official Gazette

New Lebanon Decrees

Lebanon Decree No. 12965/2024

Amending Lebanon Decree No. 7832/2021 dated 04/06/2021 on determining the subscription fee for the paper and electronic Official Gazette and the advertisement publishing fee dated 12/02/2024.

Private law

Lebanon Decree No. 12945/2024

On determining the details of applying the provisions of Clause A of Article 58 of the Value Added Tax Law related to the conditions for importing value added tax for persons not residing in Lebanon (tourists) dated 12/02/2024.

Public Law

Lebanon Decree No. 12969/2024

Amending Lebanon Decree No. 9193/2022 dated 18/05/2022 on determining cases of exemption for people with educational difficulties, special educational and psychological needs, and chronic incurable diseases from school and official examinations dated 12/02/2024.

Private law

Lebanon Decree No. 12962/2024