DIFC 008/2021

Macia Bank v Mabili

This case involved amounts due under a loan, credit card and overdraft. Evidence of an opt in to the DIFC's jurisdiction was only provided for the loan and the claims involving the credit card and overdraft were dismissed. Proportionate costs and post judgment interest were also awarded.


The Claimant was Macia Bank, a bank providing financial services to customers.

The Defendant was Mr. Mabili, an individual customer of the Claimant.

On 11 January 2021, the Claimant filed a Claim with the SCT) to recove sums allegedly owed to them by the Defendant in relation to a personal loan and a credit card.

The Claimant sought the total sum of 220,904.90 AED, together with post-judgment interest on the sums due, as well as the recovery of the fee paid to the Court for the filing of this Claim,  of 11,045.26 AED.

A Consultation was listed before the SCT judge which the Claimant's representative attended, but the Defendant failed to appear, although served notice of the claim and provided dial-in details. They also failed to file a response to this claim.