DIFC 178/2020

Lunacy Consultancy Ludon v Liuny

This case involved unpaid invoices for recruitment services provided by a recruitment agency, where credit notes had also been issued. A key point was the status of fees owed where one candidate had signed after 12 weeks and another was accused by the employer of having carried out cybercrimes once in their employment.


A Claimant  Lunacy Consultancy was an entity registered in onshore Dubai that provided recruitment services to employers.

The Defendant was an entity registered in onshore Dubai that had entered into an agreement with the Claimant company for the provision of recruitment services.

The underlying dispute arose over invoices allegedly owed by the Defendant to the Claimant pursuant to an agreement for the supply of recruitment services dated 4 September 2019. The Claimant alleged that it was entitled to  77,515.20 AED pursuant to the Agreement, for the introduction of candidates to the Defendant for vacancies identified by the Defendant.