DIFC 089/2020
Lune v Luten
This case involved amounts owed, interest and costs where an individual fell into arrears regarding a loan and a credit card due to unemployment.
The Claimant was Lune a bank providing financial products and services including personal loans and credit cards to customers.
The Defendant was Luten, a customer of the Claimant.
The parties entered into a written agreement on 20 June 2017, entitled ‘Lune Smart Loan, Credit Card Application Form'. Under the terms of the Agreement, the Claimant received a loan of 220,000 AED on 11 July 2017 , to be repaid in 48 monthly instalments of 5,481 AED. The Defendant made regular repayments of the Loan until 15 April 2019, after which time he fell into arrears. The outstanding amount currently owed by the Defendant in relation to the Loan was 150,857.98 AED.
The Claimant also received a credit card with a credit limit of 3,500 AED. The Defendant made regular repayments for the Card until 8 February 2020, after which time he fell into arrears. The outstanding amount currently owed by the Defendant in relation to it was 2,884.38 AED.