DCC 195/2011
Background Facts:
An Appellant filed suit No. 360 of 2010 against the Respondents requesting them to jointly pay 176, 1913.73 AED and a legal interest of 9% per annum from the maturity date of the debt until full payment. The claimed amount represented the value of building materials that the Appellant sent to the first Respondent who had issued cheques for 1548931 AED signed by the second Respondent and bills of 212982.73 AED. However, the cheques bounced and the invoices were not paid, and the first, second, third and fourth Respondents were required to pay the debts of the company.
Court of first instance - Decision dated 27/1/2011:
The Court of First Instance appointed an expert to review the matter and after submitting the report, the Court ordered the first Respondent to pay the Appellant 176, 1913.73 AED and 9% interest per annum from the date of the legal claim until full payment.
Appeal Court - Appeal No 333/2009 and No 341/2009 - Decision dated 26/4/2011: