DCC 87/2010

This case involved an employment dispute in which the parties had previously agreed any dispute would go to arbitration. The court ruled an arbitration committee should be appointed. The employer appealed. The court of cassation stated the previous authorisation cannot be used to appeal the ruling before the court of cassation and a new authorization should have been obtained.


An employee filed a case against a hospital and requested the court validate an arbitration ruling which the two parties had agreed on and implement it. The employee stated he had started working with the hospital on 27/03/2000 and been dismissed on 12/04/2005 without justification. The employee stated he had agreed with the hospital that any dispute raises between them should be referred to an arbitration committee.

The court ruled two arbitrators should be appointed and that they should appoint another arbitrator to lead the committee.

The hospital appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court rejected the appeal.

The hospital appealed the ruling before the court of cassation. The court dismissed the appeal.

The arbitration committee ruled the hospital should pay 672.526 AED and annual interest of 5%.