DCC 132/2010

The original dispute involved a claim for compensation following an unfair dismissal of an employee. The key issue in this case was whether the employee had given sufficient reasons for his appeal in the appeal documentation. The required information was found in Article 162 of the civil procedure law.


An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court order the company to pay him 304.734 AED, the value of flight tickets for him and his family and give him a certificate of experience. The employee stated he had started working for the company on 22/07/2007 and was dismissed on 19/04/2009 without justifications. The employee stated the company had refused to pay his dues.

The court ruled the company should pay the employee 112.000 AED and the value of flight tickets plus give him a certificate of experience.

The employee and the company appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court changed the ruling and ruled the company should pay the employee 155941.0 AED and upheld the appealed ruling on the other points.
