DCC 94/2009

This case involved whether there was a ground for divorce when a husband had not supported a wife's visa application so she could not be with him in Qatar. The case also looked at whether an claim could be made for an increase in alimony as this was not covered in Yemen law.


An Appellant filed suit No. 842 of 2006 against the Respondent requesting the annulment of a contract of marriage and requesting the Respondent to pay the Appellant marital alimony of 3,000 AED per month and children's alimony of 3,000 AED per month, including food, clothing and expenses of treatment and education. In addition, the Appellant requested the husband provide a legal dwelling for her children or a housing allowance of 150,000 AED annually and pay her an amount of 10,000 AED.

This claim was based on the fact that the Appellant was the Respondent's wife. However, the Appellant was assaulted by beatings and accusations from her husband which caused her irreparable harm. In addition, the Appellant no longer had a legitimate residence. The latter submitted its complaint to the Family Guidance and Reform Committee, but it was impossible to reconcile them.
