DCC 260/2009
The Appellant, a company demanded the provisional seizure on the movables and the equipment of the Respondent and the issue of an order to sign such seizure and the signature of the seizure of the equipment which was a tractor. There was also a guarantee of 7,136,852 AED.
On 01/03/2009, the judge demanded to know from the Appellant about the nature of the movables and the equipment. On 02/03/2009, he issued an order to prevail the provisional seizure.
On 04/02/2009, the Appellant demanded the seizure of other equipment which was owned by the Respondent including a chain model 882 worth 1.800.000 AED, two cranes worth 1,500,000, 3- AED and 500,000 AED, some air compressors worth 300,000 AED and 2,500,000 AED. The total equipment to be seized was worth 6,600,000 AED.