DCC 118/2010
Dubai Court of Cassation
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Termination of Employment, Financial & Business Offences, Remedies
Decision date
9 Nov 2010
Unfair Dismissal – Bribery – Criminal Ruling – Compensation – Evidence – Financial Offences
This case involved whether an employee who had been accused of bribery had also been unfairly dismissed and deserved compensation. The employer had asked the court to authorise an investigation into the bribery accusation. It was confirmed that a criminal ruling on the subject which had proven the employee innocent, also had legal power before the court of cassation. As the employee had been proved innocent he deserved compensation for unfair dismissal.
An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court order the company to pay him 209883 AED and annual interest plus the value of a flight ticket. The employee stated he had started work with the company on 18/04/1981 and was dismissed on 18/12/2008 without justification. The employee stated the company had refused to pay his dues.
The court ruled that the company should pay the employee 207.883 AED and the value of a flight ticket.
The company appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court upheld the appealed ruling.