DCC 92/2009
A Claimant brought forward proceedings against the Respondent alleging that the Respondent, the director of the company was their partner to, and had failed to properly and fairly distribute profits to the Claimant from the shared operation of the company.
The Respondent alleged the nullity of the company, calling for its liquidation and non-sharing of the profits as the Claimant had not paid their share in the company's capital.
Dubai Court of First Instance - Decision NO 820 of 2005
Under decision 820/2005 the Court of First Instance refused allowed the Claimant's claim.
Dubai Court of Appeal - Decision No 702 of 2008
Under decision 702/2008, the Court of Appeal refused the Court of First Instance's decision, basing its rationale on the fact that the company was null and void due to the non-payment by the Claimant of their share in the capital.