DCC 64/2009
A litigant filed the action No 759/2002 against a company in its capacity as the owner of the vessel, the vessel, a German party, and the International Transport Worker's Federation demanding that they jointly pay USD 129,329 or its equivalent in 475,930/72 AED and 12% interest as of the maturity date until payment and that the preferential right on the vessel - the Second Defendant - be given to the Plaintiff in the limits of the amount demanded. The Plaintiff explained that under a maritime shipment contract, they delivered to the Defendants merchandise that consisted of steel which was to be transported from a port in Turkey to a Port in Dubai but when the merchandise arrived at the port in Dubai a report showed that the merchandise was defective and this had led to financial damages but the Defendants refused without due right to pay.
The First and Third Defendant pleaded that the action was filed against people who lacked standing in the matter.