DCC 49/2009

This case involved a repudiation and divorce in a marriage that had not been consummated. It also considered evidence the woman's wages were being paid to the man's account.


An appellant filed suit No. 1102 of 2007 before the Dubai Court of First Instance against the Respondent requesting a previous alimony for a period of twenty months at 5,000 AED per month, compensation of 200,000 AED, a full dowry of 50,000 AED, Idda alimony of 15,000 AED and salaries of the Appellant that were transferred to the Respondent's account of 9064 GBP or its equivalent in 6/64807 AED.

The Appellant claimed that she married the Respondent on 20-12-2005 and lived with him in the residence he prepared for her in London for 20 months but he was unable to sleep with her because he was depressed and was taking medicine. The Respondent divorced the Appellant in a non-retractable divorce in 10-10-2007 before the courts of Dubai.


Court of first instance - Decision 16/11/2008

The Defendant filed a counter-claim requesting the retrieval and to oblige the Plaintiff to obey him.