DCC 38/2009/1
Background Facts:
An Appellant filed the action No 149/2007 against the Respondent demanding she be divorced, get custody of the children, he pay 1500 AED per month as compensation, 130,000 AED annually as rent of dwelling and pay electricity and water and internet bills. He was also to pay 45,000 AED to furnish the house every five years, alimony worth 2000 AED per month for each child including food, and medical treatments, 3000 AED monthly rent and her dowry worth USD 15,000 or its equivalent in AED. She also requested a temporary alimony worth 4000 AED for the fostered children and 1500 AED for her.
The Plaintiff explained that she and the Defendant had a valid consummated marriage through contract dated 21/09/1996 in Lebanon and she had children but he was abusing her. The Defendant didn't get a house for the Plaintiff and the children despite being solvent and having a salary of 40,000 AED per month.