DCC 27/2009

This case involved a father's rights to access to a child and to decide which school she should attend. It also looked at whether the public prosecution should be involved as the case involved a minor.


A Respondent filed the action No 714/2008 against the Appellant demanding that he be given the right to see and visit his daughter and that she could sleep at his home from Thursday 4pm till Saturday 9pm and that he or whoever was entitled could picks her up and drive her back. He also demanded that the Respondent did not interfere with his choice of school for his daughter for the academic year 2008/2009.

The Plaintiff explained that he and the Defendant were both in a consummated marriage and they had a daughter who was 8 years old and that since their divorce the wife had custody of the child and he did not get to see her. In addition, he registered his daughter in a school and paid fees for the academic year 2008/2009 and he didn't want his former wife to interfere with this.