DCC 1/2009, 3/2009

This case involved an employee who had resigned and was claiming his dues including holiday pay. The employer tried to argue they did not deserve holiday pay. This was incorrect as the employee had given notice of his resignation and had not been paid holiday pay for two years. The employee's argument that the court had calculated the damages on the wrong start date was also accepted.


An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court order them to pay him 765.666 AED and annual interest. The employee stated he had started working on 03/08/1999 and resigned from his job on 01/12/2005. The employee stated the company had refused to pay his dues.

The company requested the court to order the employee to pay 3.806.098.10 AED and annual interest of 9%.

The court ruled the company should pay the employee 83356 AED and annual interest of 9%.

The court ruled the employee should pay the company 716767 AED and annual interest of 9%.