DCC 15/2009/1

This case involved a request by an heir for land which had been seized when a case involving the property on the land had already been rejected.


The Respondents filed suit No. 100/2009 before the Dubai Court of First Instance against the Appellant requesting he hand over the possession on the properties on the basis that the Plaintiffs were the heirs of the deceased -the owner of building on a plot of land in Dubai under a grant from the ruler of Dubai, which became theirs after the death of their testator, but was taken over by the Defendant, who unlawfully evicted her tenants and took the rent allowance.

The Dubai Court of First Instance in the case no. 735/2005 ruled that the Defendant was not entitled to the plot of land mentioned above. This ruling was confirmed in the appeal No. 159/2008.


Court of first instance - Decision 30/3/2009

The Court of First Instance obliged the Defendant to hand over the Plaintiffs the plot of land and rejected the Defendant's request to stop the proceedings. The Defendant appealed this judgment.

Appeal Court - Appeal No. 55/2009 - Decision dated 19/5/2009