DCC 129/2009

This case involved whether the correct appeal procedures had been followed in a divorce case where the husband had requested an obedience ruling which had been refused because of witness evidence and the wife had requested a divorce and maintenance payments.


The Appellant had married the Respondent under the valid contract and they had a baby.

The Respondent violated the obedience required and suddenly left  the marital home without a legitimate excuse or a known fact or necessity from 1-11-2007 even though the Appellant had sought her return to the marital home.

The husband forwarded his complaint to the Steering Committee and Family Reform Court of Dubai, which was unable to reconcile the parties which prompted the Plaintiff to file the lawsuit.

In a counter-claim the Respondent requested adivorce from the Appellant, claimed damage and negligence, and requested a dowry of 15000 AED, and 100 000 AED housing allowance annually from the date of filing the suit, and  a maid's salary of 750 AED per month, as well as 1500 AED monthly custody fees, from the same date


Court of first instance | decision dated 23/09/2009

The original case was rejected.