DCC 75/2007
The Plaintiff and the Defendant agreed to refer their conflict on a company to arbitration.
They agreed that the arbitration would be according to the rules and regulations of the Mediation and Arbitration rules and regulations of the Industrial and Commercial Chamber of Dubai and that would be rendered by a single arbitrator.
The Defendant requested a challenge to the arbitrator however, they rendered their judgment before the conclusion of the challenge claim.
The arbitration award considered that the contract between the two parties as being fictitious.
Claim No 150 of 2006 before the commercial first instance court of Dubai.
The Plaintiff requested exequatur for the award of the arbitrator.
A Counter Claim was presented by the Defendant which requested the annulment of the arbitrator's award.
The Court of first instance of Dubai rejected the initial claim and on the claim it annulled the decision relating to the arbitration award.
The Court of Appeal, in Appeal No 480 of 2006 rejecting the Appeal and confirmed the judgment.
Appeals before the Dubai Court of Cassation .