DCC 69/2007/1, 70/2007

This case involved joint payments to the Seventh Defendant and Claimant representing attorney fees and salary differentials.

The Judgment

Pursuant to the perusal of documents and the hearing of the summary report recited at the session by the Judge Rapporteur .............. and after deliberation.

Whereas both cassations have fulfilled their formal conditions.

Whereas, in the facts - as apparent in the contested judgment and all documents - ................ has filed the Lawsuit No. 312 of 2004 (Civil - Plenary) against:

1.......... in person and in his capacity as the general manager of ........

2.......... owned by .......... and represented by the First Defendant

3......... in person and in his capacity as the manager of ..........

4.......... in person and in his capacity as the manager of .........

5.......... Company, its owners and its First Defendant manager

6.......... Company and its owners and manager

7.............. Company

8 The Judicial Officer/ .......... (litigant added to the case)

Requesting - in accordance with his final demands:
