DCC 66/2008

This case involved amounts due by a bank customer. The key issue was whether the expert had properly the balance and taken into account amounts withdrawn from the account after filing the case.

Financial Institutions

Lending & Security

Civil Evidence

Background Facts

A Plaintiff's bank filed a suit against the Respondent in which a judgment was rendered obliging them to pay 76.260.311 AED and interest of 10% from the date of the claim until the payment was complete

The amount requested represents the value of a debit balance resulting from the provision of credit facilities in the form of current account, personal loan and car loan received by the Respondent.


Court of first instance | decision dated 25/10/2007 The court ruled in favour of the requests of the Plaintiff in addition to legal interest of 9%.

Appeal at Sharjah Court of Appeal |dated 27/01/2008 The court ruled to amend the appealed judgment by making amount of 44,141,990 AED and upholding it otherwise.

Appeal in Cassation before Dubai Court of Cassation