DCC 63/2008
A Respondent filed the action No 237/2004 against the Defendants demanding the establishment of his ownership of a property on the basis that the testator of the Defendants and the Plaintiff owned property No 203 which had an area of 4,560 ft. squared and registered it with the land and property department in Dubai under the number 228 and built on it. The testator waived his share to the property to the Plaintiff and they both notified the authorities of this.
On 08/06/2000, the testator passed away before the transfer of the ownership to the Plaintiff. The Defendant objected to the transfer of ownership.
Court of First Instance | Decision taken on 13/03/2005
On 13/03/2005, the court rejected the action.
Court of Appeal - Appeal No 384/2005 | Decision taken on 05/06/2008 | Appealed Judgment Confirmed
The Plaintiff lodged the appeal No 384/2005. On 05/06/2008 confirmation.
Appeal in Cassation before the Federal Supreme Court
Court of Next Instance | Decision taken on 03/06/2006