DCC 5/2008

This case involved money owed to a bank. Key issues included the assessment of the date on which the account was closed and whether the guarantee existed.


A Bank filed the action No 280/2006 against an individual as the owner of a travel, tourism and shipment company demanding 2,205,555/76 AED and 14% interest as of the maturity date on 28/02/2006 until payment.

The Plaintiff explained that the demanded amount was a result of bank facilities used by the Defendants but not paid.


Court of First Instance | Decision taken on 26/07/2007

On 31/10/2006, the Court appointed an expert and after he deposited his report, the Court decided on 26/07/2007 to order the Defendant to pay 2,434,877/80 AED and 9% annual interest as of the judicial demand on 22/04/2006.

Court of Appeal - Appeal No 556/2007 | Decision taken on 06/11/2007

The Defendant lodged appeal No 556/2007 and on 06/11/2007, the court ordered the amendment of the appealed judgment and ordered the Defendant pay 1,374,877/80 AED and confirmed the other matters.

Appeal in Cassation before the Federal Supreme Court

The Appellant appealed in cassation .