DCC 57/2008
An Appellant was a Company to which the Respondent, an expert, was appointed custodian.
The custodian was entrusted with managing the Company and submitting a report every three months.
The custodian requested a raise in his remuneration to which the Company opposed.
Judgment No 34 issued by the Summary Judge in 2004.
No 202 of 2006 by the Summary Judge confirming the raise in the remuneration of the Respondent decided by the judgment No 34 of 2004.
Opposition No 117 of 2006 presented by the Appellant.
Court of first instance of Dubai rejecting the opposition.
Court of Appeal, Summary Appeal No 112 of 2006 reversing the appealed judgment.
Cassation No 23 of 2007 reversing the appealed judgment and reverting it to the Court of Appeal.
The Court of Appeal reversing the No 202.
Cassation No 159 of 2007 reversing the appealed judgment and reverting the case to the Court of Appeal.
The Court of Appeal rejected the Appeal and confirming Order No 202.
Appeals before the Dubai Court of Cassation.