DCC 4/2008

This case involved whether a shipping company had standing to appeal against a provisional seizure of merchandise which it did not own but was in its warehouse for transportation and they could be liable to pay compensation for if it was not delivered.


An Appellant filed issue No 540/2007 in the execution No 721/2005 before the competent judge in the court of first instance against the Respondent demanding the cancelation of seizure procedures taken on 04/09/2007 on the basis that the movables seized were not owned by them and were deposited in their warehouse in order to be shipped as they were a transportation company.


Court of First Instance | Decision taken on 07/10/2007

On 07/10/2007, the court ordered the cancelation of the seizure of the movables mentioned in the record dated 04/09/2007 and all of its effect.

Court of Appeal - Appeal No 214/2007 | Decision taken on 28/11/2007