DCC 24/2008, 30/2008

This case involved a claim by an employee for his dues following what he claimed was unfair dismissal. The court had incorrectly ruled without showing the dismissal had been unfair as the employee had freely resigned and not given notice, so did not deserve severance pay. The statute of limitations had been wrongly put on the claim for commission for 2005 because the figures used to calculate this bonus were not available until six months after the year end.


An employee filed a case (DCFI Case No. 105/2007) with the Dubai Court of First Instance against a company and requested the court to order the company to pay him 339086 AED and annual interest. The employee stated he had started work on 27/02/2001 and had resigned from his job on 14/03/2007. The employee stated the company had refused to pay his dues.

The company requested the court to order the employee to pay 52500 AED.

The court ruled that the company should pay the employee 40561 AED and annual value of 9% plus the value of a flight ticket. The court did not consider the company's request because the company had not paid pay the fees.