DCC 239/2008/1

This case involved a request to liquidate a limited liability company and force partners who had seized money for themselves to pay debts. The court had been wrong not to order the partners be returned to their original position.


Some Plaintiffs filed suit No. 550/2006 requesting the rescission of a partnership contract and to oblige the Defendants to pay the full capital of the company as they were liable for the losses and financial and moral damages suffered by the company. The Plaintiffs explained that they and the Defendants were partners in a limited liability company and that the Defendants had caused significant losses due to mismanagement.


Court of first instance.

The Court of First Instance dismissed the case. The Plaintiffs appealed this judgment.

Appeal Court - Appeal No. 256/2004 - Decision dated 12/06/2004

The Appeal Court confirmed the appealed judgment. The Second Defendant appealed further.

Court of Cassation - Appeal No. 593/2006 - Decision dated 14/05/2007

The Court of Cassation confirmed the appealed judgment. The Appellants appealed further.

Appeal before the Dubai Court of Cassation.