DCC 235/2008

This case involved a claim for an unpaid subcontract to provide workers. Non-nationals were not allowed to act as agents for non-national workers so the contract was void.


A Plaintiff filed the action No 555/2007 against the Defendant demanding that they pay 832,278 AED and 12% interest as of the date of the demand until payment on the basis that they agreed under a subcontracting agreements dated on 10/11/2005, 20/03/2006 and 01/04/2006 to supply the Plaintiff with technicians to execute their work.

Under the orders of supply, the Plaintiff executed their obligations and as a result the Defendant owed them the amount.


Court of First Instance

The Court appointed an expert and after he deposited his report, the court ordered the Defendant to pay the Plaintiff 743,135,60 AED and 9% interest rate as of the judicial demand until payment.

Court of Appeal - Appeals No 222,229/2008 | Decision taken on 18/06/2008

The Defendant lodged the appeal No 222/2008 and the Plaintiff appeal No 229/2008. The court decided on 18/06/2008 to amend the appealed judgment on the date the maturity of interest begins until payment and confirmed the rest of the judgment.