DCC 224/2007

This case involved whether land which had not been registered but had been sold to an individual and possessed by them for over seven years was their land or the land of some heirs.


The Respondents - the heirs of the deceased, filed suit No. 107 of 2006 against the Appellant, requesting the Court to oblige him to remove himself from a plot of land. The Respondents explained that they received the land by way of inheritance from their testator which was granted to him by His Highness the Ruler of Dubai and recorded in his name on this basis. The land was registered in their name after the death of the testator at the Department of Land and Property in Dubai under the certificate of ownership dated 22-10-2005. However, the Defendant took over an area of 100,000 square feet and its facilities. The Land and Property Department referred the dispute to the Court.


Court of first instance - Decision dated 31/01/2007