DCC 223/2007

This case involved embezzlement by a sales manager of products under an agency agreement. A key issue was the evidential power of the criminal judgment and the expert report in the civil case.


A Defendant worked for the Plaintiff as asales manager for products and embezzled the amount claimed.

He was transferred by the Public Prosecution for trial on charges of misappropriations of goods at the value claimed and owned by the company which were transferred to him based on an agency agreement, the penal judgment was final and the Defendant was found guilty.

The Plaintiff filed a civil lawsuit requesting that the Defendant pay 507,575,558 AED and 9% interest from the date of maturity until full payment.

The court then established a dispute resolution and settlement department at the Ruler's Court to denounce one of its experts. The accountants would be responsible for reviewing the documents of the suit and its documents to show the goods that were available to the defendant as a result of his work with the Plaintiff as a sales manager and indicating the size of the misappropriated funds.