DCC 141/2008
The Plaintiff - a bank filed suit No. 394/2006 against the Defendants, requesting they pay 512,775.74 AED and 12% interest from the maturity date on 22-5-2006 until full payment on the basis that the bank granted the First Defendant different banking facilities under the guarantee of the Second Defendant but the Defendants refused to pay the bank its dues.
Court of First Instance.
The Court of First Instance appointed an expert and after filing his report, the Court obliged the Defendants to pay the bank 512,775.74 AED and 9% interest from the date of the claim on 31/05/2006 until full payment. The Defendants appealed this judgment.
Appeal Court - Appeal No. 597/2007 - Decision dated 30/03/2008
The Appeal Court reassigned the expert and after submitting his supplementary report, the Court decided to confirm the appealed judgment. The Defendants appealed further.
Appeal before the Dubai Court of Cassation.