DCC 130/2008
Dubai Court of Cassation
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
General Commercial Law, Companies & Corporate Bodies, General Company Law & Business Entities, Limitation of Actions, Litigation Procedure & Practice
Decision date
11 Oct 2008
Profit Share – Implied Jointly Owned Company – Litigation Procedure – Time Bar – Commercial law
This case involved a claim for a profit share by a sleeping partner in a implied jointly owned company. The key issue was whether the commercial time bar or company law time bar for litigation would apply.
The Claimant, a non-operating partner in an implied jointly owned company, brought forward a suit against its managing partners seeking compensation for profits withheld for more than five years.
The Claimant alleged that as a non-operating partner in an implied jointly owned company, he was entitled to be paid the profits arising during that period, and was not.
The Respondent's alleged that the company's profits were distributed by way of actual work and actual capital invested by each party, and by alleging the Claimant was not paid the profits, although the ydid not itself invest in the work that led to those profits, was invalid.