DCC 78, 88/2007
A Plaintiff filed suit No. 749/2006 against the Defendant Insurance Company requesting three million AED in blood money for the loss of organs and compensation for the physical and moral damages, as a person driving a car insured by the Defendant Company, hit the Plaintiff while standing by the roadside.
In misdemeanour no. 1582 of 2006, the Court obliged the driver of the car to pay a fine of 1,000 AED. However, the Plaintiff had sustained serious injuries and a disability of 100%. Therefore, he was entitled to claim a Diya, a material compensation of 1,500,000 AED and moral compensation of 500,000 AED.
Court of First Instance - Decision dated 11/2/2007
On 11/2/2007, the Court obliged the Defendant to pay the Plaintiff 500,000 AED and to reject the other requests. The Plaintiff and the Defendant appealed this judgment.
Appeal Court - Appeal No. 128/2007 and 110/2007 - Decision dated 29/3/2007