DCC 45/2007
A Plaintiff - a bank, filed suit No. 688/2004 before the Dubai Court of First Instance against the Defendants, requesting the First Defendant pay 699,821 AED and the Second Defendant as the guarantor of the First Defendant jointly pay with the First Defendant 163,350 AED. The bank explained that the First Defendant had obtained banking facilities with the guarantee of the Second Defendant to pay 163,350 AED but the Defendants refrained from paying the bank.
Court of First Instance.
The Court of First Instance appointed an expert who submitted his report. The Court decided y to oblige the Defendants jointly to pay the Plaintiff 86,260 AED and to oblige the First Defendant to pay the Plaintiff 612,821 AED. The First Defendant appealed this judgment.
Appeal Court - Appeal No. 17/2006 - Decision dated 27/12/2006